Jiangsu to increase scholarships for overseas students

There are now 131 colleges and universities, 1.81 million students in Jiangsu, with the gross enrollment rate accounting for 47% and the number of universities and students ranking first of China. The number of college students in Jiangsu makes up 10% of the total college students of China, and that of 2.7‰ of the world. Higher education institutions in Jiangsu have established exchanges and cooperative relationships with more than 500 overseas universities and colleges. Since admission of international students resumed in 1976 in Jiangsu, more than 130, 000 international students from 175 foreign countries studied in Jiangsu. In recent years, the number of international students has increased with an average annual rate of nearly 15%. In 2012, 45 universities and colleges received 17400 international students, 45% of which were degree students and 74% were long-term. There are 15 Chinese Government Scholarship program universities in Jiangsu, and Jiangsu has become one of the major provinces for foreign students in China.

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